Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Dear Muslim Brother & Sister.....

You see how free I am until i able to have 3 post in a short frame of time but this time how busy I am I must make time to write this and rally for all Muslim Brother & Sister to support this cause.

This is no ordinary cause

I believe that most of us have read about Malaysia-Today been blocked by MCMC (MaChaiMaChai as pronounced by one of my friend) and few religious body has file a police report on RPK for insulting Islam & Prophet Muhammad.

I amuse that since JAKIM Director-General claim that they monitor Malaysia-Today but why only they lodged the police report and not immediately after the article? When question by the media he said that this is not politically motivated.

Well, enough of this. I do not want to out of topic.

Me as a Muslim didnt feel insulted and I believe a lot more out there are feeling the same too. Then which Muslim that they claim they represent? The follower of Imam Hadhari group?What RPK point out is the real issue facing Muslim and Islam but only those that brave enough and with great humility able to accept that.

Now, can we make a police report against JAKIM for promoting AJARAN SESAT-Islam Hadhari? If you claim Islam Hadhari is not Ajaran Sesat, then show us the proof that it doesnt and why you have change the Perkampungan Hadhari to Perkampungan SuaRasa?

Should we lodged a police report against this group of people that claim everything they do is not political motivated? Should we sign a petition again to defend RPK (he doesnt need our defence anywhere because he can defend himself better). If they really bring RPK to court then can th defence lawyer call all Muslim that is not offended by RPK article and to prove that JAKIM and other NGO and religion body make a false police report?

Where should we go from here now? I'm just a layman... Please guide me to the truth path...


Kerp (Ph.D) said...

it takes more than that to insult a muslim. i think to re-brand islam itself is a cause for concern to those who has been practicing the true teaching his entire life.

Daun Kering said...

sorry....out of topic.
saya dah baca comment enta kat blog YB zulkifli nordin....dan summary saya tentang comment enta ialah....SUNGGUH MELUCUKAN!!!

lain kali...siasat elok2 samada berita yg diterima tue betul ker idak....tanye orang yg masuk, berada, beredar dari majlis tue....siapa yg berpekik, siapa yg bertindak ganas??....YB zulkifli ker atau orang lain.

sedangkan YB zulkifli sendiri & lawyer sulaiman abdullah dah menceritakan segala-galanya tentang peristiwa tersebut...tetibe enta pulak menuduh yg bukan2 pd YB zulkifli....malulah skit.

ape2 pun...sebagai nasihat & peringatan...lain kali siasat dulu sebelum turunkan comment pd orang...jgn sampai orang tempelak je.

Ceritalah said...

Kpd legend of

Anda sepatutnya membaca dgn teliti apa yg ditulis dan bukannya main hentam aje...

Dlm komen saya di blog YB Zul, adakah saya mengatakan YB yg memaki hamun dan mencarut? Itulah yg dinamakan lebih kuah dari sudu...

Kalau komen saya tak tepat kenapa YB tak padam? Saya mempunyai 2 komen di sana dan salah satu ditujukan kpd srg pelawat di mana komennya telah dipadamkan selepas saya memberikan pendapat saya mengenai komen beliau..Mungkin kebetulan atau....

Daun Kering said...

hhmm...x approved ker comment saya bebaru nie???....well, itulah bezanya YB zulkifli nordin dgn enta...YB bersikap terbuka atas sebarang teguran, tapi enta bersikap sombong dan ego....dia approved semua supaya dijadikan teladan buat dirinya & pembaca2 blognya.

saya dah baca tulisan, artikel enta "Islam & bangsa, persoalan & tanggapan" be honest, pendpt enta sememmangnya menyimpang jauh dari nilai dan unsur Islam.

saya tak kisahlah enta nie muallaf ker atau sejak kecil Islam....yg penting enta adalah seorg muslim...dan menjadi tugas saya memperbetulkan tindak tanduk saudara seagama mengikut kemampuan diri saya.

tidak molek bagi kita muslim mengeluarkan pendpt tanpa merujuk, tanpa berlandaskan Islam....asyik bercakap, asyik mengeluarkan pendpt sedangkan pendpt tersebut jelas sungguh jahil.....pembaca2 yg lain sudah pasti akan menggelengkan kepala membaca pendpt serong berkenaan.

saya nasihatkan enta....sebelum menulis lebih panjang blog enta nie....adalah elok enta meluangkan masa, meringankan kaki enta menghadiri majlis2 ilmu Islam di masjid, surau atau di madrasah....saya percaya sudah banyak majlis2 ilmu diadakan di sekitar kuala lumpur....gunakan peluang masa, kesempatan hidup yg singkat nie yg dikurniakan Allah SWT dgn menuntut ilmu Islam...perdalamkan ilmu agama....dekatkan diri kita dgn Allah SWT.

bila sudah ada ilmu agama yg kuat, pengetahuan hukum hakam yg lengkap, menguasai pendpt2 alim ulama' muktabar, imam2 besar yg lain....maka sekiranya enta nak menulis, maka tulislah...mudah-mudahan...tulisan enta menjadi satu artikel dakwah kpd orang lain.

semuanya dgn syarat...enta mendalami ilmu Islam....jgnlah bercakap kosong tanpa merujuk kpd al-Quran, hadis, pendpt alim ulama' muktabar.